| Trips | Santaquin Peak Bowl April 18, 2020
Santaquin Peak Bowl
April 18, 2020 - Northern Utah
4.4 mi  /  3,260 ft
Since my last trip (Buckley Mountain) the whole coronavirus situation has gotten worse, and I've even been furloughed from my job. Crazy times. But the silver lining to this otherwise dark cloud is I have all kinds of time on my hands to do outdoorsy things. :) Dave Ashton (also furloughed) decided to give it a go, and Mikey decided to come last minute as well. The snow conditions were good, but then softened up considerably near the top. Also, the summit was completely clouded over, so we decided to turn back once we reached the bowl. The bob was good except Mike and Dave hit their tailbones pretty good. Ouch!
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