| Trips | Bonkers Peak May 2, 2020
Bonkers Peak
May 2, 2020 - Northern Utah
6.9 mi  /  4,490 ft
The Coronavirus pandemic is still raging...fortunately there's no better way to "social distance" than an obscure spring snow route to an obscure peak. :) I don't know what the official name of this peak is, but the backcountry ski route that we bobbed down is called Bonkers, so it seemed like an appropriate name. Both because of the ski route, AND because of the knife-edge ridge Dave had us traverse before the final ascent to the summit. Haha. It had been awhile since I'd been in the Broads Fork Twins area, and it was really cool to see them up close from this perspective. The 2000+ foot bob down didn't suck, either.
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